Graham And Doddsville

The Value Investing Capital of the World

Remodeling in Progress

August 24, 2010 By: webmaster Category: Personal Comments

Please excuse the current remodeling in progress.  I hope to have the site back and better than ever by the end of Labor Day.

I must also apologize to many who have written me and not received a reply.  I am working on that as well.  If you did write and do not received a response by Labor Day (September 6, 2010),  I strongly encourage you to follow-up.

While Labor Day has come and gone, I have not yet finished cleaning up this site. Please accept my apology for the delay, but things should get back to normal shortly.  I have now made it infinitely easier to add new materials at a faster pace.  Keep checking back for updated resources.

I hope everyone is having a great end to their summer fall!


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