Graham And Doddsville

The Value Investing Capital of the World

Von Mueffling: A Hedge-Fund Manager’s New Groove

November 03, 2010 By: webmaster Category: William Von Mueffling

I am still working on transitioning the SuperInvestor Resources to a new format.  In the meantime, I will continue adding resources and hope to even publish a new post once in a while!

Value investor William Von Mueffling, Columbia Business School alumnus and founder of Cantillon Capital Management, was recently profiled in the Wall Street Journal.  Von Mueffling made headlines in June 2009 when he decided to close his long/short hedge funds, while continuing to manage the firm’s long-only strategy. 


Cantillon’s strategy is to dig around for companies that, regardless what business they are in, produce higher-than-average returns on shareholder equity, while they are priced cheaply relative to their earnings streams.

“You want to be in businesses that can pass through inflation, and also that have exposure to currencies in parts of the world that are growing,” which in this environment helps protect against the declining value of the U.S. dollar, Mr. von Mueffling said.

[Link to WSJ article]

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