Aswath Damodaran: Getting In Touch With Yourself
Aswath Damodaran is Professor of Finance and David Margolis Teaching Fellow at the Stern School of Business at New York University. He teaches corporate finance and equity valuation courses in the Stern MBA program. I was first introduced to his book: “Investment Valuation” as an undergrad student at University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business. On the topic of valuation, Damodaran “has a great reputation as a teacher and authority.”1
I have met many value investors who immediately dismiss anything that is either based on WACC or contains the letters “D-C-F”. Agree or not, I would argue that no one is qualified to dismiss an entire academic theory without understanding both sides of the story.
I highly recommend Professor Damodaran’s work, which primarily deals with theoretical valuation models. In this blog post, “The Secret to Investment Success: Self Awareness?,” I think he really hits the nail on the head:
I know that there are many who claim to have found the secret ingredient to investment success, though few actually deliver. However, I want to present an unconventional ingredient that I think most academics and practitioners miss when they talk about investment strategies: your personal make-up as an individual.
Read the full post here.
I also recommend Professor Damodaran’s site which is packed with useful information, spreadsheets, and even links to his classes! [Damodaran Online]