Graham And Doddsville

The Value Investing Capital of the World

Back to Business

March 08, 2009 By: webmaster Category: Personal Comments

I apologize for the downtime.  Shortly after my last post, my wife and I were blessed with our own little 4pd 8oz holiday miracle.  I am just getting back to my ‘normal’ routine, and plan to begin updating the blog this week.

In the meantime, I am adding a tab that will list the resources I add to the site sorted by date added.  Since the primary goal of the blog is to organize the resources I find helpful as a securities analyst, I expect that updates to this page will far outweigh the number of posts I write.

I have really enjoyed hearing from so many like-minded investors who enjoy the site.  It was surprising to me how many people I have met as a result of my posts.  I hope you will continue to introduce yourselves.

0 Comments to “Back to Business”

  1. Ricardo Madeira says:

    I am a recent reader of your blog, and i really apreciatte your great job. Congratulations.

  2. webmaster says:

    Thanks Ricardo!

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