Graham And Doddsville

The Value Investing Capital of the World

2009 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting

May 03, 2009 By: webmaster Category: Warren Buffett

To say that there is a plethora of information posted to the web each year about the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting is a major understatement.  This year is no exception.  Luckily, each year George from Fat Pitch Financials posts the “Ultimate Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting Guide.” In the past, I have found that he has done an outstanding job of accumulating the most detailed, interesting, and useful articles/information about the weekend that has become known as the “Woodstock for Capitalists.”

Click here for the “Ultimate 2009 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting Guide”. A big thank you to George for compiling the annual list.  Be sure to check back frequently as additional resources are added for some time after the meeting.

Valuable Interviews

April 07, 2009 By: webmaster Category: Bruce Berkowitz, Columbia Business School, Marty Whitman

I recently came across three articles that I think are must reads.

Marty Whitman, legendary manager of Third Avenue Funds, has over 50 years of experience under his belt.  Most value investors know that he describes his value philosophy as investing in businesses that are ‘safe and cheap’.   In a recent  Financial Post article, Ian Lapey, designated successor to Whitman on the Third Avenue Value Fund, describes how Third Avenue defines cheap by tweaking Ben Graham’s famous net-net formula.  Read the article here.

As a student at Columbia Business School, I helped to launch the student run newsletter Graham and Doddsville. My successors did an outstanding job interviewing Bruce Berkowitz for the most recent issue.  It is interesting to contrast Third Avenue’s focus on asset value with Berkowitz’s focus on cash flows.  Jean-Marie Eveillard says that value investing is a ‘wide tent’.  While different investors arrive at intrinsic value using different methods, they are all searching for the same thing:  businesses selling well below their estimate of intrinsic value. You can read the Graham and Doddsville interview here.

For more on Bruce Berkowitz, see his interview in the recent issue of Outstanding Investor Digest here.

The Wisdom of Humility

April 02, 2009 By: webmaster Category: Jean-Marie Eveillard, Marty Whitman, Mason Hawkins

Three legendary investors, two short articles, countless lessons to be learned:

Investment News reflects on the humility of legendary investors Jean-Marie Eveillard and Marty Whitman.  Read the article here. recently caught up with Mason Hawkins, legendary manager of Longleaf Partners.  Read the article here.

Fairholme Call

March 31, 2009 By: webmaster Category: Bruce Berkowitz

Bruce Berkowitz of the Fairholme Fund held a conference call on March 30 which focused on their investment in Pfizer.   A replay of the call can be found here:

Pfizer CEO Jeffrey Kindler will join Bruce Berkowitz, Fairholme Capital Management’s Chief Investment Officer, for a Conversation with Bruce on Monday, March 30th, at 3:00 PM Eastern Time. We’ll also have Charles Fernandez, President of Fairholme Capital Management and an authority on corporate restructurings and the healthcare industry, bring his unique viewpoint to the discussion.

Bruce and Charlie will discuss the Fund’s leap into cash-rich companies in industries that are generally regarded as recession-resistant, like healthcare, defense and infrastructure. We’ll review some fundamentals and learn why they believe these new holdings can deliver the returns that Fairholme investors expect – even when pitted against a severe deflationary environment.

Pfizer, the world’s largest research-based pharmaceutical company, has recently taken on the mantle of Fairholme’s anchor holding, representing nearly 19% of our portfolio’s assets. Our panel will present Fairholme’s compelling investment case for Pfizer, including findings related to its stock valuation, healthcare demographics and regulatory issues.

Pfizer’s Jeff Kindler will take questions and discuss the unfolding merger with Wyeth, which will create one of the most diversified companies in the global healthcare industry.

If you have questions about Pfizer, or any other position in The Fund’s portfolio, submit them to well in advance of the call, and Bruce, Charlie or Jeff will try to answer you on air. Or call in during the conference for your chance to join the conversation.

You have two ways to participate – by internet or phone. Go to at the appointed time to hear the live audio stream.


Ken Shubin Stein in Forbes

March 24, 2009 By: webmaster Category: Ken Shubin Stein

Ken Shubin Stein – founder of Spencer Capital and Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School – was recently interviewed in Forbes.  Professor Shubin Stein teaches one of the selective Advanced Investment Research classes offered to second year students. 

Read the article here.

Greenwald and Gabelli Comment on Buffett’s Annual Letter

March 15, 2009 By: webmaster Category: Bruce Greenwald, Mario Gabelli, Warren Buffett

Professor Bruce Greenwald and Mario Gabelli comment on Warren Buffett’s Annual Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Letter.